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Oil Paintings
1. commission an oil painting or
2. get a reproduction on archival museum canvas
cost of canvas: (archival hi-grade museum
quality with ready-to-hang wire)
Prices exclude cost of image - ADD > $50- VARIES with complexity of repro of original works.
Sizes: Prices are indicative only
30 x 30 cm (12x12 inches)/$209
40x40 cm (16x16 inches/$275
61x61cm (24x24 inches/$295
76x76 cm (30x30 inches/$400
A3 (30x42 cm | 11.7x16.5 inches) from $235
A2 (42x60 cm | 16.5x23.4) inches) from $341
Archival-certified premium canvas for digital printing. This 450 gsm poly-cotton blend canvas is free of optical brighteners to ensure your colours remain vibrant and do not shift.
3. Get a print: Reproduce from my original sketch:
I use archival grade fine art paper - 300gsm, cotton fibre, acid and lignin free
- from $50.00 per reproduction
- from $235 for a framed print (A3)
5. Design a logo or create an illustration
To place an order, just whatsapp me or use this contact form. Payments can be made via PayNow UEN53401135K MAYBANK. Thank You.
Tel: (65) 97500689
WhatsApp me or use the contact form for ease of communications
Payments can be made via PayNow. or via UEN53401135K MAYBANK. Thank You.
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